One of the important agendas after the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in the legal sector, is economic law reform in the context of economic recovery. Resolving the crisis due to the covid-19 pandemic could be seen from two perspectives. First, to provide the legal protection and legal certainty for the community, both in positions as creditors and debtors, to provide opportunities to survive. Second, to prepare for the future that is economic recovery.
In the beginning of 2020, Government of Indonesia issued various regulations to reduce the destructive impact of the pandemic on the economic sector. Unfortunately, this did not include a specific policy to improve the legal system and prepare for post-pandemic recovery. Meanwhile, the current legal frameworks on civil and economic law have become main obstacles in creating a legal infrastructure to encourage business opportunities in Indonesia and the ease of doing business. So far, reforms have been carried out only partially by Ministries/Agencies based on their respective powers, such as: establishment and improvement of the rules on mediation, small claim court, as well as electronic-based court administration.
In view of these developments, Indonesia Jentera School of Law and LeIP have organized a panel in the series of Indonesia-Netherlands Legal Update (INLU) 2022 that will discuss the prospect of economic law reform as a foundation for post-pandemic economic recovery. This topic closely related to the Economic Law Reform agenda of the Indonesian National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and builds on the conclusions of the Panel “Establishing an Effective Civil Decision Enforcement System” of INLU 2019.
Session 1: Prospect of Economic Law Reform
Date: Friday, 23rd September 2022
Time: 1.30-3.30 PM, Western Indonesia Time (UTC +7)
- Justice Syamsul Maarif, S.H., LL.M, PhD. – Justice at Supreme Court of Indonesia/Working Group of Ease of Doing Business. Download Here
- Mr. Martijn Scheltema – Professor of Business Law,Erasmus University Rotterdam. Download Here
- Tanti Dian Ruhama, S.H., M.H. – Coordinator of Law and Human Rights Enforcement in Directorate Law and Regulation BAPPENAS. Download Here
- Ibrahim Sjarief Assegaf, S.H., LL.M. – Partner at Assegaf Hamzah & Partners. Download Here
- Aria Suyudi, S.H., LLM. – Lecturer at Jentera Law School. Download Here
Nisa Istiani, S.H., MLI. – Lecturer at Faculty of Law Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia
Session 2: Civil Decision Enforcement System
Date: Friday, 23rd September 2022
Time: 4-6 PM, Western Indonesia Time (UTC +7)
- Ridwan Mansyur, S.H, M.H. – Registrar of the Supreme Court of Indonesia. Download Here
- Oscar Jans – Board Member at Koninklijke Beroepsorganisatie van Gerechtsdeurwaarders /KBvG. Download Here
- Ibrahim Senen, S.H., LLM. – Armand Yapsunto Muharamsyah & Partners / Lecturer at Faculty of Law Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia. Download Here
- Liza Farihah, S.H. – Executive Director of LeIP. Download Here
Alfeus Jebabun, S.H., M.H. (Researcher of LeIP)
– This session will be held in bilingual (Indonesia and English).
– Simultaneous Translations of Bahasa Indonesia-English and vice versa are provided for the on-site session.
– Sign Language interpreter are provided for an online session.